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Monthly Archives: July 2022

Posting 20181224

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. And this Rose Quartz tree atop a lonely hill would look as lovely  by any name. I had the notion to put that to the test and call this Burp in Progress but decided Rosie Q just sounds better.  #TwistedSaplings #rosieq
Crafted by CHI
Commissioned Spring 2017


Just messing around with one of my favorite characters.

Artist: CHI

TS 20180902

Smartly fashioned and brilliantly warm, this Sapling of yellow citrine brightens any room. #TwistedSaplings #suntrine

Commissioned Spring 2017

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This shirt was commission by a fan of Marvel’s Deathlok.

Artist: CHI

Fwthwmp.  The sound was disgusting as it hit the floor. It still beats slowly, lonely on the dirty floor. Thump, thump. My heart ripped savagely from my chest as I fell helplessly…hopelessly into the sunken place. Thump thump.  I tumbled end over end, hands and feet reaching to find purchase. Her words were the knife innocent and subtle, damn did they cut deep. Thump… Thump. The world swam away from me and I became lost. I struggled to focus on something, one thing, just a small thing, anything. Thump.  Oh GOD, help me.  Save me. Thump. Funny, I would have given her my heart if she had only asked.  Thump. There it is at last, the bottom. I sit there on my knees at the bottom. I stare down at the sad lump that was my heart and realize the fool I’ve been, as reality laughs at my pathetic visage.  Reality’s hands are bloody having finished its extraction from my chest. Thump.  It stands ready to finish its cold task, her knife suddenly made steel in its blood soaked hand. It stabs the heart.  thu……..